

关于dependant pass,在线等,急急急!--题目应该是approval letter上的签证是否有效签证pass

原作者: AhGang|来自: 查看详细|6-2-2008 13:48

摘要: 一个问题,我是EP,帮老婆孩子申请dependant pass。 已经拿到了approve letter,并且approve letter上说: In addition, a Single-Journey Visa has also been approved and is endorsed on this letter. To use thi ...
一个问题,我是EP,帮老婆孩子申请dependant pass。 已经拿到了approve letter,并且approve letter上说: In addition, a Single-Journey Visa has also been approved and is endorsed on this letter. To use this visa for entry, please inform the abovenamed person to present the original in-principle approval letter to the Duty Officer at the Immigration Checkpoint upon his/her arrival in Singapre. 我的问题是我是否还需要到新加坡驻华大使馆去申请签证?如果不用申请,拿着这个approval letter可以出境,入境吗?希望有办过的回一个。万分感谢!万分感谢!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-9 21:48:21编辑过]
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