

星元教育推出六月JC-A level物理突击训练班!五月一日前折扣物理升学考试

原作者: leo!2015|来自: 查看详细|9-4-2019 23:10

摘要: JC物理学生听好了,你们的救星来了!现在离A Level 已经不远了,但是对于物理概念还不清楚怎么办?不用担心,星元教育现在推出六月假期集训班,由很资深的Mr. Chew 教学生怎样应对A Level物理。Mr Chew 教学经验丰富 ...
JC物理学生听好了,你们的救星来了!现在离A Level 已经不远了,但是对于物理概念还不清楚怎么办?不用担心,星元教育现在推出六月假期集训班,由很资深的Mr. Chew 教学生怎样应对A Level物理。Mr Chew 教学经验丰富,25年的教学经验让他对与本地各种考试了解很透彻。学生们能在集训班中得到老师多年总结出的精华,并对ALevel 更有信心。
集训班从六月十七号到六月二十八号, 星期一到五九点半到十一点半,现在早鸟价限时到五月一号,只需$850, 原价$950。机不可失,赶快报名吧!
有兴趣可在69043469(Tel) 或 (Leo HP) 咨询哦!

JC Physics students gather up, we have an important announcement! Since the A Levels are coming into proximity, what should we do if we’re still unsure about physics concepts? Worry not, because Leo Education and Technology is now opening a holiday programme that can ease your anxiety. Our highly experienced teacher Mr Chew will teach students how to overcome A Level physics. Mr Chew is rich in teaching experience, with 25 years of teaching such that he knows local physics syllabus like the back of his hand. Hence, students will be able to benefit from his special conclusions and tips about the A Levels and come out more confident about facing the A Levels.
The workshop is from June 17 to 28, only Mondays-Fridays, from 9.30am-11.30am. We’re having an early bird that ends May 1, now it is only $850, usual price will be $950. Don’t lose this great opportunity!
Enquiries can be made at 69043469(Tel) or (Leo HP)!

June holiday A-level physics.jpg
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