

Tampines SAFRA 补习中心出租两间大课室课室中心时间地点有兴趣者

原作者: yaomingcao|来自: 查看详细|11-12-2019 17:31

摘要: 补习中心出租两间大课室,租用时间为每周一到周五上午,地点在Tampines SAFRA,有兴趣者请联系81160606. The tutorial centre rents two large classes from Monday to Friday morning at Tampines SAFRA. Please con ...

补习中心出租两间大课室,租用时间为每周一到周五上午,地点在Tampines SAFRA,有兴趣者请联系.
The tutorial centre rents two large classes from Monday to Friday morning at Tampines SAFRA. Please contact if you are interested.
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