


原作者: zoumengna|来自: 查看详细|6-12-2019 00:01

摘要: 本人毕业于上海音乐学院,现在在Yong Siew Tom conservatory NUS 跟随钱舟教授深造。 有着丰富的教学经验和演奏经历。 多次与上海爱乐乐团合作演出独奏音乐会及参加各类高水准国际比赛。 获香港国际小提琴比赛青年 ...
本人毕业于上海音乐学院,现在在Yong Siew Tom conservatory NUS 跟随钱舟教授深造。

获香港国际小提琴比赛青年组第四名; 第22届罗马尼亚青年国际小提琴比赛三​​等奖; 受Kurt Sassmannshaus教授的赏识和邀请参加了奥地利贝多芬国际小提琴比赛,并在成人组中获铜奖。

Zou Mengna When she studied violin at the age of four, she had demonstrated exceptional musical talent and stood out from her peers. At the age of 4, she studied violin from Mr. Bao Changhai; at the age 5, she began to perform on stage; in 2008, she was admitted by Affiliated Music Specialty School of Shanghai Conservatory of Music and began to learn from Wei Yun, Lu Mengda and Professor Huang Chenxing, famous violin educationist. She held personal concert for many times and cooperated with Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra in the performance as a soloist. She was also attended to International Violin Master Class for many times. She used to be awarded Beijing Great War Summer Camp full scholarship and was unanimously praised by all experts. In 2017, she was admitted by NUS Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music with full scholarship and studied from the famous professor Qian Zhou. In July, 2007 she participated in the 7th Anhui Violin Competition and won the first prize of teenager team; in 2014 she participated in Hong Kong International Violin Competition and ranked fourth prize in the youth group; in 2015 she competed in the 22nd Romania Jeunesses International Violin Competition and won the third prize of the teenager team; in 2016 she participated in the Beethoven International Violin Competition of Austria as per the invitation of Prof. Kurt Sassmannshaus of College-Conservatory of Music and ranked No.3 in the youth group.

Tel: wechat:mengna0000

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