


原作者: 瓦力他爸|来自: 查看详细|26-8-2012 22:50

摘要:,保一年,全世界范围,两口子243,一个人128,带小孩一家子282, 渣打银行寄到信箱里面的,没买过旅游保险,但一年估计要旅游3-6次吧,没小孩 保障 ...,保一年,全世界范围,两口子243,一个人128,带小孩一家子282,
1 Accidental Death & Disablement50,000
- For Insured Person (70 years old and above)25,000
- For Insured Children10,000  

2 Overseas Medical and Accidental Dental Expenses50,000
- For Insured Person (70 years old and above)25,000
- For Insured Children10,000
Sub-limit for TCM - $750

3 Post Journey Medical Expenses 500
4 Compassionate Visit Overseas 5,000
5 ACE Assistance - Emergency Medical Evacuation 50,000
6 ACE Assistance - Repatriation of Mortal Remains 50,000
7 Travel Cancellation 5,000
8 Journey Curtailment 5,000
9 Alternative Travel due to Infectious Disease 5,000
10 Travel Misconnection1,000
- $100 per 6 consecutive hours
11 Travel Delay1,000
- $100 per 6 consecutive hours
12 Kidnap / Hostage1,000
- $100 per 6 consecutive hours
13 Hijack of Public Conveyance 1,000
- $100 per 6 consecutive hours  

15 Loss of Personal Baggage, Money and Travel Document3,000
- max $150 per article / set of articles / money / portable computer
SCB Credit / Debit Card Purchase Protection
- max $300 per article / set of articles
- excess $100 per item,
- maximum 2 claims per year  

16 Baggage Delay800
- $100 per 6 consecutive hours

17 Personal Liability 200,000
18 Legal Expenses 10,000
19 Terrorism Extension Included
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