


原作者: vbnbn|来自: 查看详细|22-9-2007 14:20

摘要: 新加坡成长教育服务中心简介新加坡成长教育服务中心创建于2000年下设两个学校:其中新加坡成长语言学校是新加坡教育部批准专业语言学校(批准号1486)并获得新加坡政府的消协保证标志,主要招收海外学生。另史丹福语 ...
新加坡成长教育服务中心简介新加坡成长教育服务中心创建于2000年下设两个学校:其中新加坡成长语言学校是新加坡教育部批准专业语言学校(批准号1486)并获得新加坡政府的消协保证标志,主要招收海外学生。另史丹福语言中心主要招收新加坡当地学生。本中心成立至今,办理了大量的留学生,始终保持很高的签证率,并且本中心已和新加坡、马来西亚、澳大利亚,新西兰和日本等多个国家的高等院校及教育机构建立了互相信赖稳定的合作关系,和各国使馆保持密切联系以便及时掌握各国最新政策。 Growth Language Center is a professional Language school registered with and approval by the Singapore Ministry Of Education. The registered number is 1486. We have been authorized to take in local and international students all year round and we have been approved by the Ministry Of Education to provide the following course: English, Japanese and Chinese. Dominated by the Education outline of Singapore and standardized by the educational criterion of advance countries. We make our teaching plan carefully and invited experienced and professional teachers to work at our school. We teach in small groups flexible in order that the students should master what they have learned very well and improve their ability of applying the language greatly in a short period. It has been proved that the student’s studying at our school can lay a solid foundation of their language, which is a “bridge” for the student’s to go to the world. Student’s between 6 and 25 year old can apply for studying at Growth Language Centre on condition that they are healthy and have enough fund to afford the expense is Singapore. We’ll arrange the student’s in different classes according to their examination results. When the students finish their study at our school, we’ll award them certificates if their final exam results accord with our teaching standard. Student’s under 17 years old can apply to study at our pre-examination class for entering government primary and secondary schools. We also help the student’s mother to apply for Social Visited Pass(SVP). Student’s above 17 years old can apply to study at our intensifying class of English After a period of learning, we can help them enter government polytechnics or enter the local university. Growth Language Centre in near Jurong East MRT which is equipped with carpet and air-conditioner. The environment is comfortable and the communications are convenient. Address: Growth Language Centre BLK 131 Jurong East ST 13 #04-265 Singapore 60013   Telephone:00 (65) 0065 6561 1629 联系人:ALAN Fax:(65) 65610024 Email:[email protected] 中国国内电话:13844632071 联系人:刘建勋 Email:[email protected]
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