

南大EEE 专业教材书籍转让(Electric circuit,signals and system.....)专业教材书籍circuit

原作者: fendike2000|来自: 查看详细|7-2-2017 21:08

摘要: 南大EEE 专业教材书籍转让(Electric circuit,signals and system.....) 具体教材包括有如下: 1. Physics for scientists and engineers with modern physics;S$ 102. Electric circuit;S$ 103. Simulation with ...
  • 书籍教材:大学课本 
  • 宝贝成色:轻微使用痕迹 
  • 联系人:zhu
南大EEE 专业教材书籍转让(Electric circuit,signals and system.....)
1. Physics for scientists and engineers with modern physicsS$ 10
2. Electric circuitS$ 10
3. Simulation with ArenaS$ 10
4. Principles of operations managementS$ 10
5. Fundamental of signals and systemS$ 10
6. The management of integrated logisticsS$ 10
7. Microelectronic circuitsS$ 10
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