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原作者: coa06yl|来自: 查看详细|19-12-2016 18:30

摘要: 灵阁阁是一间提供高品质健康绿色食品的公司。其招牌产品是运用传统配方制作的秘制酱牛肉和酱猪肘。采用最上乘的有机原料。 如果您在寻找可口健康的卤肉,灵阁阁绝对是您的不二选择。 由于市场反应热烈,每天我们只 ...
  • 店铺名称:灵阁阁
  • 餐饮类别:地方特产 


售价: 500克55新元

联系电话: Isabella


Lingogo is a company with a vision: offering high quality food products with a passion for healthy meals and great ingredients.

Lingogo is known for its legendary braised beef, pig trotters and more, as they prepare meals with classic recipes in the style of genuine home cooking. If you are looking for a delicious meal that it is also authentic, healthy and homestyle, we have got you covered: In order to keep our standards very high, we proudly cater to a small market, with limited daily supplies for customers who truly care about fine food and healthy living.

55SGD per 500gram

Contact: Isabella
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