


原作者: 一路落花|来自: 查看详细|7-8-2020 10:19

摘要: MOE 和 AMIS 认可的古筝老师花了6年时间并在2014年考取南阳艺术学院和中央音乐学院(北京)颁发的古筝演奏级证书 在小学和中学的古筝团课代课,也在音乐中心教琴 从小在自己待过的古筝团(小学,中学,高中)也是领 ...
MOE 和 AMIS 认可的古筝老师花了6年时间并在2014年考取南阳艺术学院和中央音乐学院(北京)颁发的古筝演奏级证书

有兴趣的话请联系! :)

一级至六级:$50 一小时
七级至演奏及:$60 一小时

-Certified MOE and AMIS instructor
-Diploma in guzheng under Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA), Central Conservatory of Music (Beijing)
-Experienced in teaching guzheng at both primary and secondary schools as well as music centres
-Leading guzheng player in ensembles and orchestras since primary school
-I am currently looking for a few private students to teach guzheng in order to make use of my free time from my university schedule. Under my guidance, you can learn guzheng skills from scratch for interest or proceed to the next level for guzheng examinations. Diploma students who need help are also very welcomed! If you are interested, please do contact me via sms or email to talk about the details of the lessons.

Grade1-6: $50/hr
Grade 7-diploma: $60/hr
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