


原作者: 小精灵L|来自: 查看详细|28-11-2020 14:27

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Abstract: China's rapid economic development, urban infrastructure and environment to bring tremendous pressure on us not only to strengthen environmental protection in urban environment construction, but also to consider the concept of people-oriented construction, reduce pollution, emphasizing the construction of the urban environment Humanities care.

Keywords: environmental construction; city; humane care.

Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has been rapid development of urban and rural residents has undergone major changes. The development of productive forces, a lot of surplus agricultural labor force and flow of the city to promote the improvement of the level of urbanization, enormous pressure on urban infrastructure and environmental role of human activities in the environment, the environment and on human life and promote each other mutual constraints. Therefore, we must not only strengthen environmental protection in urban environment construction, but also to consider the construction of people-oriented concept, pollution reduction, emphasis on the humane care of the urban environment construction.

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