

2nd hand Samsung Galaxy Note IIinterestedpleasewhitewhilecolourpriceconditionnotegoodgalaxy

原作者: vfg|来自: 查看详细|1-1-2014 21:53

摘要: Intend to sell a 2nd hand Samsung Galaxy Note II (white colour) at a negotiable price. It has been used for 10 months while is still in good condition. Interested, please call at 9235 0837.
  • 手机与平板:三星手机 
  • 宝贝成色:轻微使用痕迹 
  • 联系人:vf
Intend to sell a 2nd hand Samsung Galaxy Note II (white colour) at a negotiable price. It has been used for 10 months while is still in good condition. Interested, please call at .
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