


原作者: 残龙94时尚|21-3-2011 17:08

摘要: 在新加坡注册公司的网址为:如果开饭店还得申请food shop license: ...

如果开饭店还得申请food shop license:
You are required to furnish the following documents to NEA for processing:
1. A photocopy of one of the following (where applicable):
a) Both sides of NRIC [for application as Individual] or
b) Information Business Profile from Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) [for application as Company] or
c) Certificate of Registration from Registrar of Societies [for application as Society]
2. A scaled metric layout plan of the premises showing the layout in the kitchen, preparation area, refreshment area, toilets, stores, etc.
3. Tenancy agreement between the landlord and the applicant.
4. Approval(s) from Housing Development Board (HDB) [for HDB premises only], Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) & / or Building and Construction Authority (BCA) [where applicable]
5. The list of food handlers employed. (The details of at least one food handler must be submitted online through this website. Other food handler’s details that are not available may be submitted offline using the prescribed form obtainable from the relevant Regional Office).
6. Typhoid inoculation certificates for food handlers.
7. X-ray certificates for food handlers aged 45 years old and above. (Soft copy of the certificates in points 6 & 7 can be submitted online through this website or in hard copy to the relevant Regional Office.)
8. Basic Food Hygiene Certificate of foodhandlers
9. The list of Food Hygiene Officers employed (for restaurants & food caterers only) using the prescribed form obtainable from the relevant Regional Office.

如果招外国人,还得申请工作签证,工作签证分为work permit,employment pass和s pass三种。EP=Employment Pass,是一种高级work pass,月薪(基本工资)超过2500新元以上才可以申请的一种work pass。分为分为Q1 (>s$2500), P2(>s$3500), P1(>s$7000)。当然还有其他条件。EP都可以申请DP = Dependant's Pass - 就是可以给家属申请的签证,也就是可以带家属。
2、S-PASS 也是一种work pass,市场上也叫SP准证,是给所谓的“Middle level skilled workers”中级技术工人的一种work pass。月薪(基本工资)超过S$1800以上的才可以申请。当然还有其他条件。如果s pass持有人月薪(基本工资)超过s$2500,就可以申请DP = Dependant's Pass - 就是可以给家属申请的签证,也就是可以带家属。
3、WP= Work Permit,也是一种work pass, 是给月薪(基本工资)不高于S$1800的foreign workers (就是新加坡人通常所说的外国劳工)的一种work pass。


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