
knight86 29-6-2010 22:18
we guys should be more prudent and resp**ible about marriage issues.before you have the ability and full conditi** to form and support a family,you'd better try your best to get improved.marriage is not only about romance but also about life involved intwo person.but in my view,i always ...
个人分类: ramble|437 次阅读|0 个评论
knight86 29-6-2010 22:18
we guys should be more prudent and resp**ible about marriage issues.before you have the ability and full conditi** to form and support a family,you'd better try your best to get improved.marriage is not only about romance but also about life involved intwo person.but in my view,i always ...
个人分类: ramble|379 次阅读|0 个评论
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